CAP 2023 Annual Board Report

2023 Annual Report

Board Minutes & Reports

CAP Board meetings are held on the third Wednesday of every month.  Please contact the CAP office at [email protected] for more information.



Director's Report

February Minutes

February Program Numbers

March Agenda 

March Minutes

March Report

March Program Numbers

April Agenda 

April Minutes

April Report

April Program Numbers

May Agenda 

May Minutes

May Report

May Program Numbers

June Agenda 

June Minutes

June Report

June Program Numbers

July Agenda 

July Minutes

July Report

July Program Numbers

August Agenda 

August Minutes

August Report

August Program Numbers 

September Agenda 

September Minutes

September Report

September Program Numbers

October Agenda 

October Minutes 

October Report 

October Program Numbers

November Agenda 

November Minutes 

November Report 

November Program Numbers

December Agenda 

December Minutes 

December Report 

December Program Numbers 


It is the policy of the Community Activities Program that those who participate in Activities Programs should help subsidize the overall cost of that activity. Therefore, fees for activities are assessed based on the needs of that particular activity.

The first program fee listed in the brochure is for Cambridge School District residents (R). To qualify for the resident fee you must reside in the Cambridge School District or attend Cambridge Schools. The second fee list is for non-residents (NR). Non-residents are those who do not reside in the Cambridge School District. Residents support the school district through tax-dollars, while non-residents pay to participate though higher registration fees. All participants must pay in full at the time of registration. However, participation in programs to Cambridge School District residents will not be denied due to financial constraints; scholarships are available. Please contact the CAP office for further information.

Sunshine Fund

A private fund has been established to ensure all children are able to participate in CAP activities. We encourage all School District residents in need of financial assistance contact the Executive Director for further information.


The Cambridge Community Activities Program does not provide medical or accident insurance for any program participants.

Notice of Non-Discrimination

No person shall, on the basis of sex, race, color, sexual orientation, national origin, religion or creed, ancestry, age, marital status, or disability be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity, including employment.

Anti-Harassment Policy

The Cambridge Community Activities Program is committed to providing an environment in which employees and patrons are treated with courtesy and respect. The Cambridge CAP prohibits sexual harassment and harassing words or conduct directed towards others.

Program Cancellations

The Cambridge Community Activities Program reserves the right to cancel a program due to low enrollment. CAP will make every attempt to notify participants of the cancellations as soon as possible.  Fees for programs cancelled by the Activities Program due to low enrollment will be refunded.

Programs are subject to cancellation due to inclement weather, holidays, or facility conflicts. The CAP will attempt to reschedule a makeup session for such occasions, but this can not be guaranteed. For cancellation information, please call (608) 423–8108, or visit

Please note the following scenarios:

When the School District of Cambridge is closed or dismisses early due to inclement weather, CAP activities will be cancelled. However, in the event of a late start or school cancellation due to inclement weather, early morning programs will operate as scheduled unless otherwise posted on the CAP Facebook, CAP Website, or CAP voicemail by 5:30 a.m.

For public safety, the CAP reserves the right to close the pool should conditions arise that are deemed hazardous to pool patrons or staff.
For the protection of all participants, the Cambridge Area Community Pool will be closed from the first sight of lightning or thunder until 30 minutes after the last sighting.

Refund Policy

A full refund will be issued if a program is cancelled by the CAP due to low enrollment or a facility usage conflict.

If a participant voluntarily withdraws from a program prior to the program’s registration deadline, he/she will receive a refund for the amount paid minus a $3 processing fee. If payment was made via credit card, the credit card will be refunded.  All other payment types will receive a refund in check form.

If a participant withdraws after the program has begun for extenuating circumstances, or if a participant is unhappy with the program, they may submit their concerns in writing to the CAP Director.  CAP may then issue a refund less the $3 processing fee, in the Director’s discretion.

Tobacco/Alcohol Use Policy

A reminder to program participants that the use of all tobacco products or consumption of alcoholic beverages on premises owned by the Cambridge School District is prohibited by State Law.

Photo Policy

The Cambridge Community Activities Program uses pictures of participants in bulletins, social media, and displays to inform others of our recreational opportunities. If you do not want a picture taken, please inform the director prior to the start of the program.

Behavior Policy

It is the objective of the Cambridge CAP to provide a positive leisure experience for all participants. Appropriate behavior is expected from all participants and spectators in programs and in school district facilities to protect the enjoyment and safety of all patrons. Behaviors that will not be accepted include, but are not limited to, the following:
• Endangering the health and safety of other participants, patrons, or staff.
• Disrupting a program or creating a disturbance at a facility.
• Continuous refusal to follow program and/or facility rules and guidelines.
• Use of verbal harassment, profanity, vulgarity, obscenity, or racial slurs.
• Blatant disrespect of staff and program or facility rules and guidelines.
• Damage, vandalism or theft of private or school district facilities, equipment, or supplies.
• Possession or use of illegal substances or medication, including the use of alcohol or smoking where prohibited.
• Possession or threat of a weapon.
• Inappropriate display of affection.

The following outlines steps that may be used with patrons who are not behaving appropriately.  Membership or program fees will not be refunded for any person removed from a program due to violation of this behavior policy. Some programs may have more detailed behavior policies, such as the Blue Fins or the Youth Center, in which a printed copy will be distributed to all participants.

All program participants and spectators are expected to behave appropriately and follow the rules of the program. A participant will receive written notice for inappropriate behavior, and in the case of a minor, a copy of the notice from the CAP Director will be provided to such minor’s parent/guardian. If a participant receives three notices of inappropriate behavior, or if the participant is involved in one severe incident, as determined by CAP staff, the participant may no longer participate in the program until a meeting is scheduled and held. The participant, a parent/guardian if the participant is a minor, the program instructor, the program supervisor, and any other persons whom the CAP considers necessary for a resolution of the inappropriate behavior, shall be present at such meeting. At the meeting, the question of continued participation in the program will be considered and, primarily for minor participants, a Behavior Contract may be prepared as a condition of continued participation. Such a Behavior Contract will be personalized to the circumstances and the participant, and will include specific expectations and consequences for failure to meet such expectations, including possible suspension and/or termination from program participation. Inappropriate behavior by adults may result in more rapid progress toward suspension or termination from program participation.

Youth Athletics' Philosophy Statement

The Cambridge Community Activities Program offers a recreation based youth sports program which emphasizes all inclusive participation, fun, skill development, sportsmanship, and safety.  Our philosophy is to instill teamwork, a positive attitude, a sense of community, and a lifetime appreciation of physical activity through youth sports programs.  We value respect, responsibility, and cooperation, and expect all participants, parents, and coaches to uphold these standards.