CAP CARE Weather Related Closing Policy

Weather Related Delays: When the school district implements a delay due to weather, CAP CARE will open in accordance with the delayed start and remain open for 4K students. For example, if there is a 2 hour delay, CAP CARE will open at 8 a.m. instead of 6 a.m. If the school implements an early release because of weather, CAP CARE will remain open until all children are picked up, within a reasonable amount of time. We will contact all parents when we find out about the closing. If we cannot reach the parent, we will contact the next person on the child’s emergency contact list.

Emergency Closing Procedures: CAP CARE will not operate during emergency school closings due to weather. CAP CARE will place school closing information on the CAP website, local news stations, and on voicemails to notify parents.