What in the world is a Wibit?
Who hasn’t dreamt of being able to walk on water? The Wibit Wiggle Bridge makes it possible! Swimmers get a real challenge with this bendy, wiggly piece. We guarantee, swimmers have never crossed a bridge like this!
Wibit- A World of Water Fun
Wibit Wiggle Bridge
Wibit Wiggle Bridge Rules
1. Ages 7 and up may use the Wibit.
2. Swim suits with sharp objects (exposed zippers, pins, jewelry, etc.) should not be worn while using the Wibit.
3. One person on the Wibit at a time.
4. Do not approach the Wibit until directed by the lifeguard.
5. Do not swim underneath the Wibit.
6. Do not jump to reach the flags.
7. Whichever side you fall off on is the side you swim back on.
8. If you make it across the Wibit, please exit on the left side (opposite the diving well).
Wibit Inflatable Slide
Wibit Slide Rules
1. One person on the slide at a time.
2. Must go down facing forward and feet first.
3. Do not step up onto the slide until the person ahead of you is clear from the water below.
4. Parents may not ride the slide with their child but may catch small swimmers at the bottom.
5. Do not jump on the slide.
6. Please exit the slide to the left (opposite the diving well).
7. Swim suits with sharp objects (exposed zippers, pins, jewelry, etc.) should not be worn while using the Wibit.
Wibit Hours
Check back soon to see the witbit’s hours!
Reserve the Wibit
Add the Witbits to your pool rental:
$35 for the Wiggle Bridge
$15 for the Inflatable Slide