Windmill Girls' Fast Pitch League
Dates: May 26 thru July 24
Cambridge CAP participates in an ASA sanctioned Windmill Girls’ Fast Pitch League. Girls are divided into leagues according to their age; cutoff is the players age as of September 1, 2024. All levels of CAP Softball are traveling leagues with games played both at home and away (parent transportation required). Uniform tops are provided for all players; players provide their own Black pants. Practice schedules will vary from coach to coach; coaches will contact players to notify them of their first meeting date. For more information on the ASA Windmill leagues, check out:
There will be an informational meeting for all coaches on Thursday, April 17 at 6:00 pm in the CHS Lecture Lab. Practices may begin 3 weeks prior to first game
(10 player minimum per league)
Softball Registration Deadline: April 11th
Windmill Softball U8
Grade: 1st & 2nd
Fee: $50 R / $65 NR (before March 21)
$60 R / $75 NR (after March 21)
The focus at this level will be on learning the fundamentals of softball. The games will be played on Wednesday evenings.
Windmill Softball U10, U12
Grades: 3rd – 6th
Fee: $75 R / $90 NR (before March 21)
$85 R / $100 NR (after March 21)
Coaches will help determine the appropriate league of play based on the birthdates of the majority of the girls in the class. Doubleheaders are played for both home and away games.
Windmill Softball U14
Grades: 7th & 8th
Fee: $80 R / $95 NR (before March 21)
$90 R / $105 NR (after March 21)
The U16 softball program is run in conjunction and under the guidance of the CHS softball program. Players are expected to commit to practices and