Pool Rules and Regulations

1. Children under the age of seven must be accompanied by an adult guardian in the water (within arms reach) and on deck at all times. One adult must be present for every 2 children under the age of seven. Children ages 7-11 must be accompanied by a parent or adult guardian on the premises. Adult is defined as anyone 18 years of age or older.

2. No diving in the shallow end of the pool.

3. Patrons who cannot complete the swim test or are classified “non-swimmers” will be required to wear a Coast Guard approved PFD.

4. Patrons MUST take the deep water test to use the diving board or swimming in the deep end.

5. No horseplay on the ramp.

6. No horseplay, running, shoving or dunking. Behavior that endangers the safety and well being of yourself and/or other patrons will not be allowed.*

7. Please be aware, we do not allow the use of personal flotation devices of any kind in this facility; they allow users and their parents to have a false sense of security.

8. Patrons will be allowed to use any equipment provided by the community pool. This will be at the discretion of the life guard on duty. No outside equipment or toys will be allowed.

9. Profane language is not allowed.

10. All patrons must shower before entering the pool and after using the restroom facilities.*

11. Patrons having contagious or infectious health conditions and/or open wounds will not be allowed in the pool per the discretion of the lifeguard.*

12. Patrons under the influence of alcohol or other drugs will not be allowed in the pool or on the grounds.*

13. Long hair must be restrained (cap or tied back).

14. All patrons must wear appropriate swim attire. No cut-off shorts, gym shorts, t-shirts, clothing with rivets, buttons, and/or zippers allowed.

15. Patrons who are not toilet-trained are required to wear swim diapers or rubber pants (over cloth diapers) in addition to a swim suit.

16. No shoes on the pool deck. *

17. Animals are not permitted in the pool area.*

18. Food, drink, gum, and tobacco products are not permitted on the pool deck.*

19. Glass containers are not permitted in the facility.*

20. No smoking on the school grounds.

21. Absolutely no swimming without a lifeguard on duty.

22. All patrons must follow the directives of and be respectful of the lifeguard or instructor in charge. Failure to do so will result in the patron being asked to leave.

* Indicates Department of Health and Family Services, Wisconsin Administrative Code rule.

Diving Board Rules

1. One person on the diving board at a time.

2. Patrons using the board must clear the water as quickly as possible.

3. Patrons on the board must wait for water to be clear before using the board.

4. Dive only from the front of the board.

5. Patrons may bounce once per use.

6. Dives must be forward facing only.

7. No flips are allowed.

8. Attempting to grab the flags while jumping from the diving board is prohibited.

9. No running starts on the diving board.

10. No hanging on the diving board while in the water.

Wibit Rules

1. Ages 7 and up may use the Wibit.

2. Swim suits with sharp objects (exposed zippers, pins, jewelry, etc.) should not be worn while using the Wibit.

3. One person on the Wibit at a time.

4. Do not approach the Wibit until directed by the lifeguard.

5. Do not swim underneath the Wibit.

6. Do not jump to reach the flags.

7. Whichever side you fall off on is the side you swim back on.

8. If you make it across the Wibit, please exit on the left side (opposite the diving well).

9. The Witbit is to be used in one direction. Attempting to return to the start point is not allowed.

10. Attempting to climb back onto the Witbit after falling into the water is not allowed.

11. Hanging on the ropes of the Witibt is prohibited.

12. Shaking the Witbit while someone else is on it is not allowed.

Wibit Slide Rules

1. One person on the slide at a time.

2. Must go down facing forward and feet first.

3. Do not step up onto the slide until the person ahead of you is clear from the water below.

4. Parents may not ride the slide with their child but may catch small swimmers at the bottom.

5. Do not jump on the slide.

6. Please exit the slide to the left (opposite the diving well).

7. Swim suits with sharp objects (exposed zippers, pins, jewelry, etc.) should not be worn while using the Wibit.

8. Do not swim underneath the Wibit slide.